Liverpool Big Weekend (2018-10-06)
Típus: Compétition
Térkép/terület: Formby - Blue course
Rendező: DEE
Ország: UK
Versenyforma: CO - Pedestre
Táv: 7.39 km
Idő: 62:51
Átlag pulzus: 150
Maximális pulzus: 163
Lovely sunny day. Careless at no.4. Did not understand undergrowth despite radio mast (3mins). Small error to no.5 (30s). Did not see track to no.12 but OK. Poor error at no.19, found attackpoint but drifted SE (4 mins). Ran past no.21 as next hill had a larger knoll (1 min), Slow to last two controls in undergrowth.
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Liverpool Big Weekend (2018-10-06) Liverpool Big Weekend (2018-10-06)