Isle de France Championnat Moyenne distance (11/03/2018)
Category: Compétition
Map/area: Ball Trap - H60
Organiser: US Mélun CO
Country: France
Discipline: CO - Pedestre
Distance: 4.21 km
Time: 41:47
Average HR: 153
Maximum HR: 169
Great technical course. Small error at no.3 due to poor direction on leaving no.2. (30s) Hesitation at no.9. Disaster at no.11, poor bearing and lost in the hatched green (4 mins). Poor descent to wrong re-entrant at no.14 cost 45 s and lost me 3rd place.
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Isle de France Championnat Moyenne distance (11/03/2018) Isle de France Championnat Moyenne distance (11/03/2018)