Federale Week - French Relay Championships (2017-05-28)
Típus: Compétition
Térkép/terület: Combe Venait - H55-60
Rendező: Vallée de L'Ouche Orientation et Talent Sport et O
Ország: France
Versenyforma: CO - Pedestre
Váltó pálya: 2nd
Táv: 4.7 km
Idő: 50:32
Átlag pulzus: 147
Maximális pulzus: 173
Hesitation at no.6. Misjudged yellow/rough open transition to no.9 and over-ran badly. Lost 3 minutes and caught by pack.Turned wrong way to no.11 having stopped at control on wall. Maintained 7th place.
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Federale Week - French Relay Championships (2017-05-28) Federale Week - French Relay Championships (2017-05-28)