Semaine Federale 2016 (09-08-2016)
Kategori: Compétition
Kort/område: Ile de Bâtz - H55
Arrangør: Ligue de Bretagne
Land: France
Disciplin: CO - urbain
Distance: 7.12 km
Tid: 46:29
Gennemsnitspuls: 160
Maxpuls: 178
Did not expect urban race and so ran in walking boots. Did niot look at control descriptions to notice that the control that they told us was moved was my no.1. Careless basic error. Too early for no;2 then all OK until path under red line at no.14. A great day out.
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Semaine Federale 2016 (09-08-2016) Semaine Federale 2016 (09-08-2016)