Ace of Hearts (2020-03-01)
Típus: Compétition
Térkép/terület: Burnham Beeches & Egypt Woods - Green course
Rendező: Happy Herts
Ország: UK
Versenyforma: CO - Pedestre
Táv: 6.28 km
Idő: 77:41
Great to visit this runnable area again after so many years and a well planned proper long course. Very wet & muddy, We had last starts so I was very careful through the first 4 controls as all in depressions in bracken. Managed to go right past control 6 without seeing it - 8 mins lost. Ok for everything else. Glorious sunny day and a red kite count of over 40.
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Ace of Hearts (2020-03-01) Ace of Hearts (2020-03-01)