Championnat LIFCO Moyenne Distance (2018-03-11)
Típus: Compétition
Térkép/terület: Le Ball-Trap 2 (extrait nord) - Circuit k
Rendező: US Melun
Ország: France
Versenyforma: CO - Pedestre
Táv: 3.31 km
Idő: 42:03
Hozzászólások mutatása/elrejtése (3)
Axel: Perfect race!! Nothing to say... Congratulations Jane!!
Jane: Merci Axel. Just a little mistake at 10. I had just found the big depression when Ulrike Chardot arrived behind me and said “Hi Jane, I’ve just seen Nick and now I have seen you”. I lost my concentration and hit the small depressions before the pit. Otherwise all good. I loved the course.
Axel: That's right, I didn't seen that mistake before. But you were going straight on the control. And this one was very hidden.
Hozzásszólás küldése
Championnat LIFCO Moyenne Distance  (2018-03-11) Championnat LIFCO Moyenne Distance  (2018-03-11)